
I had a very itchy budog and we had tried everything from medicated shampoos to aergy medications, to no avail. My veterinarian put her on RESPIT, an immunotherapy spray. We saw incredible results after 3months. No more itching or hives after going in grass, no more welts on her body. It has made a huge difference in the life and wellbe-
ing of my dog and myself.

Taryn D.

My clients have had good success with RESPIT in helping to manage atopic dermatitis in their pets. In comparison to other immunotherapy products, my clients have reported very little or
no itching after administration of Oromucosal RESPIT. I highly recommend prescribing RESPIT for use in your atopic patients.

Eric Pearson, DVM

RESPIT has helped to raise my level of veterinary medicine by allowing me to offer my clients and their companions quality and effective immunotherapy. Prior to RESPIT, I was confused and frustrated on how to incorporate immunotherapy into my practice.

Chris Serpico, DVM

I love that we have an option to offer allergen immunotherapy without expensive and often inaccurate serum testing. It has been well received by my clients!

Tracy Thompson, DVM, Vancouver, WA

You have done our dog, and us a tremendous service, with insightful medical/veterinary practice. I cannot thank you enough.

Neil Goldberg, M.D., Upper Montclair, N.J.

Like many of my colleagues, I struggle with patients coming in and out of my office for chronic itching and scratching. We rule out all differentials and diagnose the problem as atopy. We attempt novel protein diets, but at the end of the day, it seems like nothing besides steroids help. We have pursued allergy testing and traditional allergy shots with limited success and the patients are still miserable. Last year I came across RESPIT and started using it in many of my tough allergy cases. I have had very good success with it in my practice. Clients that are typically using it on their dogs have tried everything, and when starting RESPIT people have said it is truly a miracle. The response is very satisfying, clients are happy, and our patients are finally having long-term relief. I recommend RESPIT.

Peter Hanna, DVM, Simi Valley, CA